They used to be part of the freakshow. Now theyre a family. Plus one. Part 3 of the Jimmy Darling saga.
He wasnt always a War Boy. At least he doesnt think so. Nux Pre Fury Road
Sarah Conner was eight years old when the machines first tried to kill her. The Terminator saved her and she ran with him for the next eleven years. Not exactly a normal childhood. Based on Terminato...
They hooked up once in Mike Kripes basement. Sort of. Ten years later, John Conner and Kate Brewster are in a completely different kind of basement. Post Rise of the Machines, Crystal Peak. Previousl...
It was not the the end - merely the beginning. The game had much higher stakes now. Former allies turned deadly enemies. Their love had conquered time and space. Now with everyone and everything agai...
An extended look at "Four Roses" from a different perspective.
A normal life? No, that was impossible for a man with wooden lobster hands and two women sharing one body. But a happy, content life? Maybe, just maybe. Now including some romance starting in chapter...
A tangled up mish-mash of scenes and events and characters from Freak Show. Twisted up, swirled with a fork, and presented on a plate of the unexpected for your enjoyment. AU? Well, obviously. Oh and...
The blond witch had opened her eyes, relieved the pressure in her heart and mind. And now Tate and Violet were together again. Ghosts stuck in the Murder House. Along with all the rest. Set in Apocal...
Even the Son of Satan doesnt have it all together. Especially when hes lost his devil mama.
Sometimes, a friend can be a welcome balm. No show, real life conjecture. Evan/Taissa pairing.
Annabel Margaret Walker, with her mismatched eyes and curious family history, is stepping out into the world. Her moms and dad are still out there too. Fourth and final in the Jimmy Darling saga.
Thats what Kai Anderson was now. Right in the middle of American Suburbia. Spoilers for Cult, ep 5.
Just what the title says. Based on Spider-Man: Far From Home previews.
Nobody ever sang to her. Not that she needed them to. Set in Apocalypse, Ep 5. Vague spoilers.
The White Witch herself has come for one of her sisters. And she is singing. Set in Apocalypse, Ep 5. Spoilers.
When Charlotte Wells pulled that trigger, the bullet went into his shoulder, not his head. Heres what happened after. Ratched TV series, Season 1.
Angelica Mayweather went wandering alone out in the dark one night and came home with a new friend. AU.
As she watched Michael Langdon ride away with the little man in the silly hat, Miriam Mead knew her part in Michaels life was over. That he was moving on now. And that was okay. It was all just part ...
James Patrick March thought he had finally found a decent gin opponent. He thought they would play forever. He supposed now he had been wrong. Set in AHS: Apocalypse, Ep. 4. Vague spoilers.
An emergency council has been summoned, disrupting their abiding peace. Kyle hopes it wont be too long. Short fic based off of AHS: Apocalypse ep 4, Who Is That, Satan. T for one stance of language.
There once was a beauty and a beast. And no, since you ask, they didnt get together. Plus lots and lots of other stuff. Spanning the gulf between X-Men: Apocalypse and X-Men: Dark Phoenix.
Hatter and Alice try something new in the dark. It doesnt really go so well. Wonky fluff.
The ongoing tale of R and Julie. Sequel to Human. More sweet and sincere humanity for your reading enjoyment!
They are in this together. And separate. Series of random one shots focusing on the Wives of Immortan Joe.
He breathes her in during his final moments. And remembers the last six months of his life. The months with he spent with her. Movie/book mixture. Will 1st person POV.
He was created to be a monster. But what kind of monster can he truly be? Short introspective. One-shot.
Lady Jayne Weatherby, the first and only head vampire huntswoman. But she wasnt always.
She thought she was making a difference. And she was. Just not the difference she thought. Pre-Suicide Squad movie-verse. Not based on 50 Shades of Grey. Strong T for torture, disturbing themes, occa...
Alices world contains some electric devices for Hatters amusement. Enjoy some completely silly fluff!
Alice takes Hatter to his first ballet, The Nutcracker. A bit o holiday fluff for your amusement.
Hello there. Im Hatter. The one and only. And that being said, Im here to clear a few things up.
Movieverse. R experiences the joys and trials of being human. Followed by "R and Julie: The Simple Life".
He spent so much of his life pretending nothing mattered. But it did matter. All of it mattered. All the time. Bates Motel, Dylan-centric. Chapter 48 begins a more peaceful span between season 4 and ...
The love and life of Warm bodies retold from a slightly different perspective.
Maybe Lisbeth Salander should be grateful that she has Alexander Zalachenko for a father. Then again, maybe not.
Abigail Mills is not where she should be. Literally, metaphorically, ecumenically.
Alice Hamilton must be going crazy. She must. Because she cant possibly be seeing what she thinks shes seeing. Theres only one person in the world that might understand. And thats . . . "Hatter?"
They used to play this game all the time. And he always came back to her. And he will this time too. Joyce Byers thinks back as she prepares to reach out for her son.
Congratulations! You have just purchased your very first R unit. In order to ensure a happy Corpse-free future with your unit, we have taken the time to create this user-friendly manual.
Harleys finally got everything she ever wanted. And its everything she ever dreamed.
Alice Hamilton is minding her own business when she gets a rather odd request from a rather odd creature. Will she ever get her Hatter back?
Will DeCody loved his daughter more than anything in the whole world. But he had decided that the boy was alright if that was who she wanted.
Sundays are the best. Even without the white picket fence.
A lost little girl. A wicked witch. And a gingerbread house. Once upon a time . . .
Warning: Reading of this material may result in a sugar high of Hatter cuddliness. Or maybe not. You tell me. Fluffy fluffiness with a dash of fluff.
The thing Cunningham wanted most was to make banana pancakes with his kids again. The guy in the other cot never forgot that. And when the fighting was over and Francis was dead, Wade Wilson decided ...
Cuddly adorableness awaits you! Come on, the fox in the picture seems to be enjoying it.
David Dunn and Kevin Wendell Crumb, face to face. And The Unbreakable Man has something he needs to say. Set in Glass. Speculation for now.
Klaus is just Klaus. Thats all he can be anyway. Based on the show.
The Jokers going to get back what is his. But first, hes got to look the part.
Brooke desperately needs a hero. Is Nick it? 11 Years post Before We Go.
Rayon didnt have many people ever stand up for her. Especially normal people like Ron Woodruff. Taken from the grocery store scene of Dallas Buyers Club. Rated T for language.
Dom and Fran, off on a fun-filled European trip together! Post season finale.
It only took five years to mold him into what he was to become.
I, Sir Charles Eustace Fotheringhay Le Malvoy III, White Knight and Guardian of the Curtsey, pray thee come, stay, and attend to my tale. Brimming with adventure, love, and loyalty, may it captivate ...
Snapshot of "Servant of Two Masters". Alexander Graysons dance at Bethlem Royal Hospital.