When you find out that the person you hate most is the one responsible for maintaining the tenuous balance of sanity in your city, What would you do to save him when his life and mind alike are threa...
While in Twilight town, Danny discovers a group called Org. XIII. Where will these new friends and enemies lead him? DPKH cross. Mass crossover in later chapters. Dannys POV unless said otherwise. Ch...
Hed always figured that his memories were a thing forever beyond his grasp. His wall-monster had consumed them all, leaving nothing but an empty expanse behind. But lately, hes been doubting thats tr...
The System is evil. That much is well known. But what if it wasnt...? Devi is a subject in an experiment, but doesnt expect to find allies in an alien and an abused bio-mechanical man. And both want ...
In a different world, Hershel and Claire seperate under much different circumstances... Zombie apocalypse AU. Character death.
Wherein Targent kidnaps a young Hershel Layton, and Randall takes it upon himself to rescue his friend. Attempted RanLay.
A cave-in sparks an odd bit of interaction between Hershel and Descole. Will eventually contain DesLay.
In which Hershel Layton gets amnesia, after getting in a car accident. Drabble.
When Danny falls into the hidden away ghost zone ocean, he ends up unconcious, and a hungry Phasmavore is hurtling toward him... Oneshot
Umbra; noun; A phantom or shadowy apparition, as of someone or something not physically present; ghost; spectral image. ::Originally several separate ideas and fics::
It wasnt true. It couldnt be true! But... which did he want more? A normal life without the voices and wall monster and the perpetual need to kill, or a world where everybody needed to die?
While at a bar-and dance, Murdoc spies a Leukemic girl named Ceilia who sparks more interest for him that most of the other girls hes known... May be continued
The date had been a terrible mess. But - what if it had been different, if only by a little bit? What would have happened? Short story, DxJ
It was everything he had dreamed of. Save the world, get accepted for who he was, and get the girl. In this case, one goth girl named Sam Manson. Unfortunately, it was a literal statement. Not a one ...
Hed escaped the strange, psychic mans mansion, and hidden in the forest. But when a cloaked man finds him, he makes Johnny an offer that the maniac finds very tempting. Oneshot. Crossover with XMen.
When Noodle hears somebody playing a guitar late at night, she discovers that a certain singer was not a keyboardist in the beginning, nor was Gorillaz his first band....
Johnny, while at a nightclub and looking for victims, accidentally orders an alcoholic drink. Devi, seeking to escape Tenna, doesnt expect to see a certain someone at a nightclub. And Johnny cant hol...
Johnny didnt know why hed gone to the park that night. He just... wanted to. But, he didnt expect somebody else to be there too, especially so late at night...
Its been months since the revision of Beetlejuices curse, and both Lydia and Beetle havent seen each other in ages. When Lydia finds her way back into the Neitherworld, will she successfully reunite ...
He had been told by everyone that he should get rid of it, he was the only one who believed it harmless. Maybe well learn how ghosts form He had said. He was dead wrong. Twoshot.
IZ/JTHM cross. Dib is stargazing on the cliff when a certain homicidal maniac appears. His conversation is welcome, until the subject takes a dark turn - changing to his family.
A series of hyper-short, musically-based oneshots that may or may not be written as longer fics in the future. Written just in time for Christmas - Happy holidays! Multiple instances of Devi/Johnny, ...
He didnt know what to expect when he entered the fallen tower. A long overdue tackle-hug? A trio of kids bent on revenge? Nothing could be certain, not after twelve years. He hoped they would still b...
When Angel goes back to the studio early one day, she finds Murdoc in the kitchens... Contest story connected to illusioneyes DARE
Even a guy like Beetlejuice enjoys something that nobody would expect him to... Short story
In the future, Danny has lost his mind due to a horrible accident that killed eveyone he loves.. But Valerie is there to comfort him. Even if Phantom is her enemy. Phantom/Valerie attempted Fluff
Even for somebody without humanity, a longing for peace is something that cannot completely go away... Angst Day submission