1. Plans: Twins, Ratchet, Jynx, Nook
2. Bombs: TC, Skywarp, Ratchet, Jacky
3. Memory: Ratchet, Arcee, Jynx
4. That Loud: Sides, Sunny, Ratchet
5. Important: Twins, Jynx, Bluestreak
6. Driven Mad: Sides, Sunny, Jynx
7. Move: Sides, Sunny, Jynx
8. The Hounds
9. Hate: Nook, Sideswipe, Sunstreaker
10. Love: Sides, Sunny, Jynx
11. Drunk: Twins, Jynx, Nook
12. Stealing: Jynx, Arsine, Gambit
13. Why: Jynx, Jazz
14. Say it: Jynx, Sides, Sunny
15. Beautiful: Sides, Sunny, Jynx
16. Wall: Optimus, Twins, Jynx
17. Long Time: Jynx, Nook, Sides, Sunny
18. Cuddle: Sides, Sunny, Jynx
19. Dont Touch: Ratchet, Jynx, Nook
20. Love: Megatron
21. Paint: Blue, Jazz, Prowl
22. Your Idiot: Sunny, Sides, Jynx
23. Inappropriate: Sides, Sunny, Jynx
24. Dont Hurt: Blackice, Sides, Sunny, Jynx
25. Stop: Blackice, Jynx, Sides, Sunny
26. Lab: TC, Warp, Jynx, Nook, Swoop, Bee
27. Fire: Sides, Sunny, Jynx
28. Wanted: Jynx, Nook
29. Prank: Jynx, Nook, Sides, Sunny
30. Windows: Jynx, Sides, Sunny, Warp
31. Leaking: Jynx, Arcee, Ratchet
32. Window: Jazz, Prowl
33. Hiding: Jazz, Jynx
34. Listen: Sides, Sunny, Jynx
35. Help: Elita, Jynx
36. Thought: Blackice
37. Dare: Bee, Jynx, Nook, Twins
38. Never: Jynx, Blackice
39. Song: Jynx, Sides, Sunny
40. Idea: Sides, Sunny, Jynx, OP, Elita
41. See: Nook, Arcee, Ratchet
42. Work: Jynx, Megatron
43. Drop: Jynx, Sides, Sunny
44. Seen: Ratchet, Arcee, Twins
62. Not Bad: Jynx, Bee, Dreadwing, Skyquake
63. Subtlety: Skywarp, TC
64. Stickers: Megs, OP,Jazz,Hide,Prowl,Ratch
65. Punched: Jynx, Sunstreaker
66. Know You: Jynx, Nook
67. Please: Nook, TC
68. Help: Nook, Ratchet
69. Angry: Gambit, Megatron
70. Simple: Jynx, Arcee
71. Master: Tech, Wheeljack