41. Apple (1/2)

Fall Discoabc 14270K 2021-08-14

funny story about apples: i once drew an apple as the pupil of an eye for an art thing and a load of people went "i don't get it" until i said "the apple of my eye" and then they all quietly whispered "oh".

fun times

(also kahiro smooth af)


"why didn't you stop me?!"

tsuna blinks, hand still on the doorknob after having pushed the bedroom door open. his eyes go to where the source of the whining voice has come from but he only sees a duvet all folded in on itself. "um...hello?" he calls out tentatively.

the duvet suddenly moves and a face pops out from in between the folds, the

unet almost having a heart attack. "tsunayoshiiiiiii!" kahiro whines, sniffling a little.

"kahiro, don't scare me like that!" tsuna

eathes out in relief after the realization it was only his friend, not some sort of mafioso villain that has come to kill him yet again. he closes the door behind him and makes his way over to the duvet covered form. when close enough however, he gets pulled into a hug where it feels as though the duvet is trying to consume him. "k-kahiro!" he squeaks as she clings to him and sighs miserably.

"you should've told me jumping in the river would result in this! i've got a fever one minute and then i'm freezing cold the next!"

"you jumped in the river without warning and- i'm falling!" tsuna flails his limbs about only to have kahiro slip out of his duvet cocoon and have to manoeuvre her gift in his arms.

she collapses onto her bed and makes dying noises. "it's not fair that you got out fine whilst i suffer. suffer!"

freeing himself of the duvet, tsuna only just resists the urge to sigh in exasperation at her. "you dragged me in!"

"i fell in by accident."

"you did a somersault!"

"it was a very dramatic fall."