2. Chapter 2 (1/2)

Armor CsillaDream 43980K 2021-08-14

csilla: as per request of my fiance, who i showed all the chapters i have written thus far (i'm actually working on chapter 5, woo~) and after each one he told me i should post it ._.

warning: the timeline jumps around a little...

second warning: i have a slightly depressing playlist constantly playing while i write mikayuu fluff/angst/misc things i wish would happen but probably won't...

living in the human world had its up: staying up late with friends, laughing and joking with friends, eating mountains of junk food with friends. despite my initial feelings about being sent here, i was beginning to grow a soft spot for those still alive. and a jealousy for them.

it's been two years since i was assigned my mission; the folder containing all the info i needed was locked away. after meeting yuu's friends, i made a connection i wish i hadn't. every time i heard something about something bad happening in my target's life, i felt a pain in my chest. this definitely felt like a punishment now. only krul would find forcing a reaper to live beside his target, who wouldn't be dying for a coupe of years, a fair and just punishment.

"mika, you home?" i was pulled from my musings and looked up just in time to see yuu walking through the front door as if he lived here as well.

my eyes narrowed playfully, "i thought i made you give me back the spare you made without my permission" somewhere throughout the first year i had spent with yuu and his friends, i began acting the way i used to when i was alive.

"i, of course, gave you that one… but you underestimate me, my friend" yuu laughed -i still liked that sound- before a comfortable silence fell between us.

as if it

eaking the silence my cell phone came to life, buzzing animatedly on my dining table, but one glance was more than enough to tell me the reason for the call: "hello, grandma"

i could almost feel the rage through the phone and her tone left little to the imagination of how red it was, "i swear i'm going to quadruple your workload if you keep calling me that…"

i merely smiled, knowing fully well that i would drop more than half of it off on another reaper, as she took my silence as an invitation to continue on: "anyway, although this goes against my better judgment… ferid made a good argument that you would no doubt murder whomever took this job so instead i'm giving you this one. there's a soul that will need collecting today, a man's soul-"

"could you get to the point?" i had to lower my voice slightly so yuu, who had crashed onto my couch, wouldn't hear the irritation in my tone.

there was a long sigh before, "mika… it's your dad's soul" and i was sure the room became chilled in that instance, but before i could growl out any of my anger yuu was in front of me.

"hey, you okay? mika…?" i blinked and for a moment, i wondered the same thing. was i okay?

lowering my face, "i gotta go… talk to you another time," i ended the call with krul before glancing up to flash a weak smile at my worried friend.

"yeah, i'm fine now…"

this wasn't the first time krul had called me to tell me that a soul nearby needed reaping nor was this the first time i had to do so without needing to be told. because of that, i had everyone under the impression i was squeamish about blood and i couldn't handle death at all. boy was that the furthest from the truth. in the past two years i had reaped twelve souls –most, which occurred during a holiday- and each time, i couldn't shake a feeling i was being watched when i did my job. no matter how hard i looked, i couldn't find any evidence to back up my instinct.

"so you ready or what? kimizuki wants to hit the li

ary before the lunch rush appears," in spur of the moment –and slight boredom-, i applied at the local college. after all the last time i was in school or doing homework, i was twelve. and still alive.

despite the six years i spent as a reaper, i quickly learned that the best way to pass the time was to study and read. especially since i wasn't interested in reaping and often gave my jobs away to other reapers.

"just about," i stood up from my spot and slung my bag over my shoulder before smiling, "now i'm ready"

we headed out, soon meeting up with the others who were waiting on the first floor of the building.

"about time, you two" kimizuki scoffed before heading out.

the girls were the next to chime in with their nonsense, "aw~ but shiho, love birds are always late" shinoa began was a chuckle.

"that's right, shinoa" mitsuba added with a grin before the two linked arms and followed the irritable rosette.