5. ATTENTION! (1/1)

attention! it has recently come to my attention that my stories have been stolen! as such, i will no longer be updating until further notice! to learn more, visit this link: :/ wildrhov dot tumblr dot com/ post/ 138893541254/ all-fanfictionnet-stories-have-been-stolen (remove spaces and add periods where appropriate)

if you have stories on here as well, it is extremely likely yours have been unlawfully copied as well! do your part and help the community stop these thieves and

ing them to justice! i have filed reports, and i will continue to do so until the appropriate measures have been taken! help me take these thieves down! take back your stories! you have every right within the law to persecute these people until they are banned from the internet and they have returned our stories!

also, i know you are reading this, you punks who have stolen my stories! i know because i've seen it on your site! know that i am not bluffing! i will get my stories back, and i will see you prosecuted to the full extent of the law! this is not a joke, and i will not rest until you have been

ought to justice!