• Jake has been presumed dead. Then Marco finds out he has not. Later, Jake has to make a choice between killing Cassie or Marco. ...
  • Based on the movie 10 Things I Hate About You. Eddard Stark has a new rule: Sansa cannot date anyone until her younger sister, Arya does. Her suitor, Willas will ask the help of the school bad boy Ge...
  • THIS IS AND WILL STAY AN UNFINISHED FANFIC! Im keeping this up cause Ill be rewriting this soon and did like to keep the cringe of the original here. Warning: abuse, mentions of suicide, mentiond of ...
  • When Eres, a lady of Archenland, was eight years old she met the Kings and Queens of Narnia-becoming friends with Queen Lucy especially. Now, ten years later, shes back for the Queens birthday celebr...
  • Scarlett, an angel, sent down to help save the shadowhunters from Sebastian. But something happens, and everything changes. Warning, spoilers. If you havent read up to and including the fifth book. ...
  • I decided there needed to be more Skullduggery Pleasant books and this is what I did. Valkyrie and Skullduggery get assigned to inspect a prison. But everything goes wrong and the prisoners escape wi...
  • One night, Ben gets a surprising call from Alex, who needs to be picked up after escaping from captivity. Again. A group of militant feminists experimented and tried a new kind of weapon on Alex. Ins...
  • A brief backstory to the mega-bestselling book by Eoin Colfer "the Supernaturalists" ...
  • Movieverse, a little book influence - An extended look inside Rs head during the events of the movie, as he falls in love with Julie, and life seeps back to him. R has no recollection of his life bef...
  • His nickname was Night and hers was Owl. Late nights are the best time. ...
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