A ship full of Earth and Cybertronian delegates, a handful of terrorists and bombs set to go off combine into a deadly center of attention. The ACL brings in the heavy artillery to destroy the fragil...
Enter: the cat! A faulty machine combined with Ralyks strange sense of humor provides Megatron with a personal pest.
Interfaces cant happen to Seekers, now can they? But whoever said it was a rule?
Optimus Prime needs time away from work but who said anything about peace and relaxation?
Half dead and out of luck Cyclonus meets an unknown robot. Is she the enemy or a new ally?
The return of ancient enemies, known only to those old enough or through history files, causes more than just a little
When Principal Lis latest changes to the school piss everyone off, someones looking for payback.
Some different people go to Townsville for vacation. But will a fire light or will there be a fight?
A VERY Insane BLoSC fic (with a hint of Digimon), where XR goes to the grocery store... and meets .... MYOTISCHOO! WARNING: Insanity and A Parody of Soras Crest of Love Await. R/R!
A persons actions can sometimes have unexpected (and horrifying) consequences, as the Morgendorffers discover when Quinn fails to return home from a date.