co written with garfieldodie. The Calvin and Hobbes TV show. Includes holiday specials, two parters, TV movies, a shocking season finale and a fun filled Bonus Chapter! SEASON TWO COMPLETE! PLEASE R&...
“My God. What happened to her?” “She was found in the alley beside her apartment. Aparently ate several dozen rats alive before the police found her, screaming her head off.” Batman summed the report...
Spidermans daughter may discovers his identity and wants to fight crime will he let his daught fight crime??? REVIEW please
When one man stands up for a fallen city, the consequences arent always desired. Such is the nature of Gotham City.
The last thing she expected after quiting the military was to get a phone call from some agency that promised they could help her with her ability. The second to last thing was falling for a red demo...
Full summary inside. R&R. Rating WILL change. Issue 4: While SpiderMan is taking pictures of the Vulture for cash, the Vulture attacks and embarrasses him. Now, a vengeful SpiderMan is out to get...
Drabble excerpts from the relationship of Rufioh Nitram and Horuss Zahhak before they play the game and subsequently die. Beware, fluff and cute alien boyfriends ahead.