• The 8 agents of Project SKAIA have one goal: to stop the alien terrorists from taking over the world. They may be well trained to take them down physically but when relationships start to form will i...
  • This takes place when there were only five students in the institute. Jean needs a date and asks Scott to help, but when destiny takes course Jott appears! Corny I know but its a must read for Jott l...
  • The story of new mutants from Earth 42. It tells how they formed teams after M-Day. Part 1 of the Earth 42 Series. ...
  • Spider Man knew that peace could not fully come, not while there is still evil. He resumes his second year at university only to learn that trouble is brewing at the Stark Enterprises. A corrupted ma...
  • Rogue, 8 kids...and a soon to be father? Chapter nine up, Homecoming!...Please R&R! ...
  • The kids have gone their separate ways. After a stroke of luck, John Egbert reunites with Dave Strider, sparking a chain of events that lead both to try to live life to the fullest. 16 chps /Sadstuck...
  • They are not people-they are animals, they are experiments. Their only purpose is to prove their worth or be eliminated. They are the future of mankind. And theyre going to fight back. ...
  • After another fit of insanity Nny awakens in a strange place, where something dark and sinister is in progress... story is finished, and I re-uploaded everything to fix the elliptical dots problem! ...
  • Meet Charlotte Carter, her life was never easy but now she has to deal with being a mutant, friendships, family drama and love. And this all happens while she is at a boarding school called Xaviers A...
  • Anastasia Enders was a cheerful and pleasant girl, who was just dazzling. But when an experiment goes wrong and her father ends up dying, she carries on as a whole new person. She finds out that she ...
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