• See what happens in a Nekopara fanfiction when the multiverse is at stake. What will Kasai do when a mysterious traveler arrives in his universe? Find out in reading A Clash of Worlds. (Rated T for m...
  • "Everything in this world will go through a change, even monsters cant escape its fate but the thought that one day well be different is frightening" That was their confession so they try to live as ...
  • Youre in a dance group called Q-UEENS. When BTS Rap Monster wants to write a song with you, you agree. As time goes by, you find yourself starting to get feelings for him. Updates every Monday(or whe...
  • So things ended on kind of a high note after the last adventure. Slender destroyed Zalgo, Jack returned home with the other Proxies and Jane is gone. Or is she? Some people return as ghosts in this w...
  • Cuando la sangre de alguien te llama como la de él, serías capaz de dejarlo con vida? ...
  • Au sommet dune grande tour faite de lourdes pierres se trouvait, non pas une jeune demoiselle attendant son prince charmant, mais un homme en noir. Les Hommes disaient quils revenaient dun face à fac...
  • WrestleMania Weekend should have been the biggest event of their professional careers, so many moments to savour and precious memories to create...so why are so many people feeling down on the big da...
  • Sailor Moon and DBZ....Chapter 19 is now up... does chi chi still how feelings for Cell? Will Piccolo have a girlfriend? read to find out! Tell me if you want me to email you when the next chapter is...
  • Boyf riends oneshots that we wrote! There is fluff and sadness! (Smut is coming soon!) (Thats a lie -Kenzie) ...
  • She was another Perfect Solider type. Both she and Hiiro were assigned to exterminate Ririna Peacecraft. What neither of them expected was to fall for each other. ...
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