• Zoes summer in New York is cut short when she gets a phone Once she returns to Bluebell she has to deal with three different situations dealing with the heart, all in one ...
  • Sally and Pippa are off to America for Pippa to get a cure for her sickness and Leah finds a surprise from and old friend ...
  • Its been 18 months since Miranda fled for Scotland after Gary and Mike both proposed. Shes on her way home, but shes not coming back alone. This fic is in four parts. COMPLETE. ...
  • Slight spoilers for S4. Multi chapter. Nothing in common with the actual end of S4. Carrie needs time to process, but her dads time is running out. "We love, we lose and we grieve but more importantl...
  • A L/J set after their break-up. ...
  • As Bobby and Alex move forward in their relationship, dark cases and circumstances threaten to tear it all apart. Part 6 in my series. This is an x-over with SVU. ...
  • What happens when a prehistoric crocodile attacks the seaside resort of Scarborough? How will the teams holiday to Connors Mother be affected? Will Nick and Sarah finally admit there feelings for eac...
  • What happens when Alex whole world falls apart? A fanfic set after episode 6.18 ...
  • A collection of drabbles in the run up to Christmas. Set post Endgame. Based on Chelsiefan71s A-Z Downton Abbey Christmas challenge which I shamelessly stole for another fandom entirely. ...
  • The story is set in 2011. There are some changes for the family. ...
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