• Alex Rider is on holiday away from all safety. After a strange encounter on his first day he is on edge and he should be rightly so. After an attack on the ship Alex is unable to be the hero that sav...
  • Alex forced to hold up an identity to solve a crime,girls were never a problem for him but has Alex finally met his match? Read and Review. All rights go to Anthony Horowitz. Warning; Language and Vi...
  • After Queen Lucy has been poisoned by a sleeping draft,how far will her family go to save her? Suspian! I own nothing except the plot no copyright intended all rights go to C.S.Lewis Read and Review!...
  • Now Sabrina has a new family. She is finally happy. When Scorpia decide to claim their revenge on Alex. They take Sabrina. Of course Alex needs to rescue her. Will it be the MI6 way or the Alex Rider...
  • When Morgan joins the team,how will the others react to her. Read and Review ...
  • A look into Christmas day in Cair Paravel,with a twist of course! ONESHOT! All rights go to C.S.Lewis,Hope everyone has a lovely Christmas and Happy New Year! ...
  • Edmund seems down,his life stuck in a vicious circle. Will Ava open his life up to a different way of thinking. ? Warning; Character death. Read and Review. ...
  • All Three sets of Characters appear in this story. I have tried to make school more realistic. Daisy will come across maybe wrong but she will change as the story goes on. All the spies are normal ki...
  • Alex Rider has embarrassed SCORPIA by escaping them. Scorpia have teamed together with a mystery team. Who want revenge against him. What does it take to catch Alex Rider.Either taking him by forcing...
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