Yamasuke. (*people behind her gasp*) I had to do an odd coupling...and this fit the description. Daisuke is dragged to an audtion by Hikari with Takeru and Yamato. This play is a start a many things ...
Some unlikely visitors come to Freid. Includes my own characters and is partly romance. Please read and review.
3x4: Trowa learns about the phenomenon called angels and journeys on through different lifetimes in order to search for his evergrowing obsession.
Another very short fic, this time from Trowa POV Why the Unibanged One is so quiet...
After seeing so many Kensuke fics, I just HAD to write this. Its about Davis and it might not be what you expect...you see, its a Davis and ???? fic. I DARE you to figure out who it is.