• Wesker veux sa revenge contre S.T.A.R.S. et les autres ...
  • I dont usually ship Lightning and Hope, but why not give it a try anyways? So there it is, and I Hope you enjoy. Credits for the photo belong to Mary-ve GrĂ©goire. (I have been given permission to use...
  • Family reunions: the time to get together with relatives youve probably seen once in your lifetime for a day or two then head to home and lose contact with the rarely seen family members. For Joe, he...
  • When Sebastian Castellanos is injured on the battlefield, its up to Joseph Oda to save his partners life. ...
  • Four Sillyvision employees uncover a book that their boss, Joey Drew, has been writing. ...
  • (Re-Uploaded) The security guard Jeremy always wanted to defeat at least one of the animatronics that are always causing havoc and destruction around the restaurant. His wish, however, was stopped by...
  • The place he was born, Zaun, is a reincarnation of hell. The people have long forgotten what freedom meant. All hope is gone. But one day a competetition would be held. A competition about science. V...
  • Hideval is a young and upcoming Ice Wizard, anxious to find his brother and sister. But along the way he finds old and new friends alike! He might have even found love. Check this out! I suck at summ...
  • In the first annual celebration of the Dawn Break, a love blooms between the King of Lucis and a commoner. A story based on the fairytale. ...
  • What happened to Bowser that made him the villain so many gamers know and love? This story tells of his life before Peach and anyone else. Please note that every now and then, a chapter will be in th...
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