• Runaterra guarda muchas aventura que nunca han sido contadas cuales serán? descubramos las junto a un misterioso viajero llamado Neo. ...
  • The story of Flare the echidna. Please r&r! chapter 3 is now up ...
  • ABANDONED Link fights a new enemy, worse than any before, with help from new and old friends. Post OoT, MM. Rating will go up as the story progresses, but not past PG-13. Read and Review. ...
  • Luis and Leon know that thier bond runs far deeper than mere friendship, a fact that Ashley certainly doesnt appreciate. Alternative to Luis death, and I changed some situations to better fit the sto...
  • A fight between the love of Twinkies and friendship. ...
  • Collection of crack fics and humor oneshots. Across the episodes Star Fox will: get high on hospital drugs, take on a video game space colony, play a raunchy Pokemon Go ripoff full of offensive polit...
  • Complete the Starfox team decides to take some time off on Sauria, what they dont know is an enemy lies in wait. Can the team survive an attack from a master of two planes of existence? Sequel is up....
  • [FE7] Rath wasnt always quiet and Wil wasnt always perky. In fact they were quite the opposite. See the events in their lives that have changed their personalities into something completely different...
  • A young female cant remember her past. She meets two white haired, blue eyed men after being attacked by a demon. ...
  • Just a bunch of stupid moments with Daddy Sans, Uncle Pappy, and Frisk Pure Fluff! ...
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