The Legend of Toontown, book 2 of 3. The time for adventure has come again. The changed hero faces a new and mysterious threat, far away from home. He must find new friends and face bizarre challenge...
The truth of what really happened to Luigi when Mario was collecting the crystal stars. Join Luigi on his mission to save Princesss Eclair! based on the story Luigi tells Mario in Papre Mario The tho...
Una chica que tiene un trabajo a espaldas de su mama, involucrando a su mejor amigo, juntos tendrán aventuras en esa terrorífica pizzeria, pero vamos! un poco de amistad y amor no les caerían mal o s...
What happens if the first unit leader has fetish for clothes? And every time they go on missions, they need to wear the clothes their leader has chosen for them! Every story is not related from the p...
three-shot — He had settled on doing what would make her happiest. Somehow, that turned out to be what would hurt him most. Asch/Natalia
After saving Tamriel from a doomed fate (twice), Terah must deal with the aftermath. It seems her acquired fame as the dragonborn and hero of Skyrim has only caused more trouble for her. Loosely foll...
The survivors of L4D2 meet those of L4D. Ellis falls in love with Zoey and will risk everything for her, even rejection. How do their destinies become entwined? Love story set near the end of the Gre...
Ness y Lucas son ahora compaeros de habitación. ltimamente Lucas se ha sentido extrao, una nueva sensación siente cuando está con Ness, sin embargo, ahora que prácticamente vive con él, le resulta un...
Rikku is something close to daring, that’s why Gippal likes her. Yuna is something close to perfect, that’s why she’s untouchable. [Chapter 7 up]
She has escaped. After many long and painful years of being their experiment, she has escaped. She knows her path to freedom will be bloody, but she doesnt care. She will do anything to get her freed...